Sunday, April 28, 2013


Many people believe Christmas is the day Christ was born when in fact it was Christ's conception.

Let's first begin with Zecharias in the book of Luke. Zecharias and his wife Elisabeth were full-blood Levites. These are the parents of John the Baptist.

Luke 1:7 explains that Zecharias and Elisabeth could not have a child because she was barren. This means that it will take divine Intervention for them to conceive a child.

Luke 1:8 states that Zecharias was in the temple doing his priest duties.

As he is doing this, the angel Gabriel appears to him. He tells Zecharias that he shall have a son and name him John. Zecharias then doubts the angel and asks for a sign. Gabriel grows impatient with Zecharias and struck him so that we would not speak a word until the birth came to pass. Luke 1:19-20.

Now remember, dates are very important. Luke 1:23 explains that after the course of Abia, Zecharias would leave back home. The course of Abia would finish the evening of June 20th. Zecharias lived 30 miles away in Narareth of Galilee. Leaving the following day, it would take him two days to arrive home. Remember he was an old man. This puts us at June 23rd.

Luke 1:24 And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself five months saying, Elisabeth conceived the day after Zecharias was home. Her silence puts us at November 24th.

Luke 1:26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, The Hebrew calender begins at the vernal equinox, Not January. So this marks another 30 days, and puts us at December 24th, not June. Remember that the Jewish days start at sundown the day prior, and run to sundown the next day. So it would be on December 25th (sundown of the 24th) that the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ would dwell with mankind.

Luke 1:28-31 explains the Angel Gabriel telling Mary she shall conceive. His name will be called "Immanuel", which means "God with us". "Jesus" in translation means "YHVH's Salvation", or "The savior for YHVH". YHVH in the Hebrew comes from "Ehyeh `asher `ehyeh", meaning "I AM THAT I AM".

Luke 1:34 Then said Mary unto the angel, "How shall this be, seeing that I know not a man?" 
Mary was not doubting Gabriel's message, she just didn't understand how this could be. Divine Intervention.

Luke 1:35 This being December 25th, the conception of The Son of The Living God.

Luke 1:36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. Noticed that Elisabeth is the cousin of Mary. Jesus was not of the Tribe of Judah only, but also the Tribe of Levi. This is because Mary's mother was a full-blood Levite, and her father was of Judah (Luke 3:33). You have both the king line (Judah), and the priest line (Levi). Making Christ the priest of priests and the king of kings. This would then pinpoint the actual birth of Jesus to be in September on the Feast of Tabernacles, as it was prophesied. See Appendix 179 in the Companion Bible.

Luke 1:41-44. Mary cried to Elisabeth with the good news, knowing she also had good news. The soul and spirit that was placed in Mary was so strong that John, being six months, leapt in the womb.

Shepherd's do not have their flocks out in the middle of winter. Mary would not have attempted to travel to her cousin Elisabeth in rather cold temperatures, over rough terrain.

The conception of John: 23rd Sivan= June 23-24
The birth of John: 7th Nisan= March 28-29
The Miraculous "Begetting": 1st Tebeth= December 25th
THE NATIVITY: 15th Tisri= September 29th

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