Genesis 4:1-2 Eve bare Cain then "again" bare Abel (twins).
Genesis 4:3-4 Cain and Abel brought brought offerings to God. The LORD had respect unto Abel and his offering.
Genesis 4:5 God had no respect for Cain's offering.
Genesis 4:8 Cain kills Abel.
- Matthew 23:33 Generation of vipers (generation = offspring).
- Matthew 23:35 The offspring of the devil murdered Able.
- I John 3:12 Cain, who was of that wicked one.
- John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil
Genesis 4:10 Blood in Hebrew is plural. The blood of Abel's offspring crieth also.
Genesis 4:12 The Earth will not produce for a kenite!
Genesis 4:17 Cain went to Nod, found his wife, and had enoch.
Genesis 4:18 Enoch = teaching. Irad = city of witness. Mehujael = smitten by GOD. Methusael = man of GOD. Lamech = powerful.
Genesis 4:19 Adah = beautiful. Zillah = shade. Lamech was the first polygamist.
Genesis 4:20 Jabal = flowing.
Genesis 4:21 Jubal = music.
Genesis 4:22 Tubal-cain = flowing from cain. Naamah = pleasant.
Genesis 4:25 Adam and Eve bare Seth = substituted.